Mama to four beautiful babies


Co Founder of The Mum Club



The Mum Club is about sharing and meeting the women we share with. It is about helping others to find their feet as they navigate their way through motherhood. We want to give back and make the next mum feel empowered, confident  and supported – online and offline - by being honest, open and most of all welcoming. 


What inspired you to set up The Mum Club? 


The mum club started out of a personal selfish need. I never felt like I enjoyed or ‘fitted in’ to the regular mum groups you get ( although don’t get me wrong, they are great and we still attend some now the kids are older) turning up in thigh highs to a church hall gets you some funny looks. But I felt like there must be something else, something better for the early days, when you're on the brink of PND mixed with cabin fever yet your 3 week old baby doesn’t care much for wind the bobbin up and parachute games. So one night over a couple of bottles of wine at the kitchen table with a close friend (Lauren Webber co founder)  also venturing into motherhood herself we created - THE MUM CLUB.  We were both lucky in the fact we both worked for ourselves, I run a property development business and Lauren was an events organiser so we could spend time growing our latest baby, but nothing happens over night and we have had many a late nights at that kitchen table since.   
As a mum of four, how do you stay sane with the juggle of running your business & being a mum?
I'm not sure you could call me sane. But for me the main thing is routine! Not just for me but for the kids, my husband even the dog.

'Everyone knows what is happening next, I know at nap time I can get work done, I know by 7:30 everyone is asleep so instead of stressing about sending that crucial email during bath time (it has been done) I know that I can relax and play with the kids and focus on work later.'



I also make sure I have time to work out - keeps my sanity and we also have regular date nights for our relationship, you have to remember what you were before kids and we know we are better for each other and for the kids when we have had our date nights. 


You often run Breakfast clubs as part of The Mum Club, what's your go-to brekkie?



Ooo, Too many choices! Breakfast has to be my favourite meal and I have a MEGA sweet tooth so Pancakes and Nutella with fruit! 


If you could offer one tip of advice to a new mama what would it be? 


'Everything will pass and you will look back and realise that it wasn't worth stressing over. A phase is a phase, sleepless nights don't last forever and it doesn't matter if they only eat mini cheddars, it will all pass'





 Favourite place to shop for the kids?


I love finding unique Instagram brands, current favourite must be Rosie and Lula, but I also buy lots from baby Zara, Mori and good old M&S.

What are your top 3 baby essentials?


"A baby bag you love! A baby zen yoyo and a BINIBAMBA!" 




Your tag line for The Mum club is 'For women that keep their sudacrem in their Chanel & Pampers in their Prada'. Has your personal style changed since becoming a Mum?


I don’t believe it has, I have always been into my fashion, especially loungewear and being comfortable, I love the current trend of flowing dresses and trainers -  it is perfect mum attire too! 



 Sport is a big part of your life (Jess is married to professional rugby player Courtney Lawes) - is exercise important to you & what do you do to stay fit?


YES! A huge part of my life, I used to be a completive athlete then did my degree in classical and contemporary dance. I like changing it up, throughout the week I will try and do an outdoor run (best to do when you need some headspace) a Hotpod Yoga class and some weights. How I look and feel plays a huge part for my mental well being and I love food so exercise lets me eat what I want. My husband can tell if I haven’t done much as I’m apparently grouchy ( don’t know what he is on about ) and packs me off for a run. 





Favourite podcast



Lauren is my Podcast guru! Currently listening to - How I built This with Guy Raz. Brilliant!



Describe your perfect day with the kids...


Hmmmm, if the weather is nice we would have the paddling pool out and chill in the garden with some friends whilst Dad cooks up a storm on the BBQ and I would be on a sun lounger with a large G&T. 



The first thing you do once the kids hit the hay?


We like the series - GAME OF THRONES!!! EEK! Some nights I work, some nights are date nights and some nights we cook together and watch a series. 





Jessica Lawes's and The Mums Club's BINIBAMBA pick..... our MILK Sheepskin Snuggler