Mama of two, Stylist, ex-Model & Head of Personal Shopping TOPSHOP

+  Phoenix 0.5 YRS




Pearl of wisdom for new mamas?

"Try to live in the moment and enjoy each stage as they happen."

Everything changes so quickly and life goes by superfast.


Does Phoenix sleep well?

No, he is a very light sleeper but he seems to be slowly finding his groove. I am in desperate need of more sleep!


What's your key to a good night's sleep?

A bath and This Works sleep spray, I use it for myself and both children


Go-to outfit while breastfeeding

I live in T-shirts with denim… Phoenix dribbles A LOT and brings his milk back up so

"I am having to keep all my lovely blouses locked up at the moment!"



Tired mama style tip

Batiste dry shampoo for blondes means it doesn’t matter if I haven’t had my roots done or washed my hair in forever.


Where do you love to go with the kids?

Kew Gardens - it’s our oasis of calm. Marlowe can run around safely and I like Phoenix breathing all the fresh air - it’s one place where I can relax and feel free in London.


Favourite children's book

"The Day the Crayons Quit - I love it as much as Marlowe"



What do you do for some 'you time'?

I have just started to do some exercise since giving birth and it feels so good to focus on myself even if it’s only 30 mins twice a week.


Favourite part of motherhood?

Seeing my children laugh and smile - I love seeing their faces light up.

"It's the most special feeling in the world"



Sarah & Phoenix's BINIBAMBA pick....our Half Moon Snuggler