Tell us a little bit about your family...
Me & my fiance have been together for 10 years. We also have a 4 year old dog Majken who is young but there is definitely an old lady living in inside her! And this year we got a precious gift, our beautiful son.
Your love and talent for photography is clear from your beautiful Instagram page. What first got you into taking pictures?
It started with paintings when I was a child. And then I started borrowing my parents film camera. I pretended to take photos out in the garden.
'...my passion for creating has always been there.'
A lot of your photos show you out in nature. How important is that for you as part of daily life?
It's my way to reload & get my energy back. Breathing fresh air is so important for me & my state of mind.
Where do you draw your creative inspiration from?
Instagram, people on the streets, nature...everywhere.
You are known for your neutral style. What is it you love about a neutral palette?
It calms my mind. I think i'm quite sensitive about my surroundings & environment.
What are your favourite things about living in Sweden?
The long days during summer, the different seasons. But also a lot of other things. Sweden is a very good country in my opinion, I’m thankful for the privilege of being born here.
What is your favourite part about being a mama?
Finding love on a level I didn't know before my son.
...and the hardest?
Being on time!
What is your top tired mama tip?
Go to bed on time. And also do something that brings you energy every week so for me that's getting out and about & exercising.
Has anything about motherhood surprised you.
'Probaby the love you feel for this little human. And how it grows everyday'
Are there any traits you would like to encourage in your son?
A love for nature & the wonderful impact that being outside a lot has on us.
And finally...please share with us your top BINI picks?
Milk Snuggler & Milk Merino Snugglesuit for the breezy weather here in Sweden.
Follow Fanny on Instagram @fannyamandanilsson, www.fannyamandanilsson.com