Mama, Writer, Stylist, Net-A-Porter Global Head of Styling

+  Huckleberry Fox 2 YRS


What have you enjoyed the most about motherhood?

“Learning to be in the moment more, and just enjoying the simple things.”

Parenting rule you've thrown out the window

Peppa Pig on my iphone sat on my bed while I'm getting ready for work in the morning. It buys me about 15 minutes!

Has being a mama changed your style and beauty routine?

It's definitely speeded things up, but it’s also made me enjoy the indulgences more too, like really taking pleasure in a long bath and a facemask. I've also started spending more money on beauty products than I used to - probably something to do with being in my thirties! In terms of style I don't think it's changed how I dressed much, although I remember really enjoying getting dressed up for work again after maternity leave, when I basically lived in jeans and t-shirts.

Tired mama style tip

When I know I have a busy week at work

“I plan all my outfits for the week ahead on a Sunday night, so I know I can get ready on autopilot.”

How do you stay sane with the juggle of being a working mama?

I've become quite obsessive about tidying our house. I've always been a tidy person, but I now have to have everything in its place in order to feel calm. I've realised it's become a coping mechanism for the chaos and busyness of our life.

“Tidy house, tidy mind, or something like that.”


Favourite place to hang out together?

We spend a lot of time in Ravenscourt Park near where we live. There's four different playgrounds and a children's lido for Huck, and a garden centre for me to indulge my love of overpriced coffee.

Favourite thing Huck says?

'Wowers Mummy' - translated as 'Flowers mummy'

First thing you do once Huck hits the hay?

Sit on the sofa. Binge on Instagram. Cook supper. Drink wine. Fall asleep on the sofa.

Harriet & Huck's BINIBAMBA pick....our Blue Rose Snuggler