Mama to twins Tabitha & Marlow,
Fashion Stylist, Art Director & Editor of
Little Spree
special guest Miu Miu (the cat)


Sarah Clark of little spree and her son 


 Little Spree is an endless source of inspiration. We love your edit of the best fashion & interiors out there for babies & kids....


What’s your go to baby shower gift?

Do you know, I’ve never actually been to a baby shower!! And I didn’t want one when I was pregnant. But in terms of a gift for a newborn baby, a gorgeous bunny always makes a lovely gift. These are three of my (tried and tested) favourites: 



bunny in a box baby shower gift from liberty London newborn baby gift bunny rabbit



Top 3 baby essentials for anyone expecting their first?

"Having a newborn (or two) can be tough and monotonous at times (and involve a lot of unattractive, functional paraphernalia) - a little something that is used as part of your daily routine with your baby/babies that also brings a little joy can go a long way."

1) The best pram/buggy you can afford. And if you’re expecting twins or triplets, this is even MORE important! We threw all the cash at Tabitha and Marlow’s!! You end up walking so much, it becomes almost like your car for those first couple of years. So you want the best looking, best performing one you can possibly afford. Then you look after it, and sell it on afterwards. And of course, then you can go to town on ‘pimping’ up your new wheels! Gorgeous cosy sheepskins, wooden mobiles, blankets etc.

     2) Your baby bag (if you decide you want one). When I was pregnant with the twins it was slim pickings to say the least. I didn’t find one that I even remotely liked, so I just used a roomy, blush pink (I know…) oversized leather bag that I picked up in a Miu Miu sample sale when I was pregnant. It served me well! I actually found it at the back of my wardrobe the other day when I was looking for something. I did have the Anya Hindmarch Baby Emergency Kit  though, which I LOVED. It’s pricey (I was very lucky, mine was a gift), but so well designed - it was just brilliant. And just so easy to take everywhere. These days there are so many more options for stylish baby bags, so you can just pick a bag that suits you and your life.

    3)Something gorgeous that also feels beautiful, such as a cashmere baby blanket/cardigan/hat. A BINIBAMBA gorgeous sheepskin buggy liner or rug could definitely tick this box.


     cat sitting on Binibamba sheepskin rug

    Miu Miu getting cosy on BINIBAMBA's Rose Sheepskin Rug


    Tired mama style tip

    Oh gosh, Ummm. Keep it simple.

    "Find a ‘uniform’ that works for your new lifestyle, but still feels like ‘you’ and stick to it until you get your style mojo back" This is not the time for experimenting with print and pattern or a ‘different style'!" 


    What's the best piece of advice  you can give a new mama?

    Accept any offers of help!!! I found that so hard, as I was so used to being so ‘on it’ and so in control of my life, both personally and professionally. But I realised that people were genuinely wanting to help, so eventually I let them!

    "Accept ALL offers of food!!! "Can I bring you a homemade shepherds pie?" Yes please!! “Can I pick you anything up on my way over?” Yes please!!" 

    And it sounds a little bleak, but remember, 'it will get easier'. Not every new mama finds it tough - for some it’s all plain sailing, cashmere cuddles, and tea and cake at Petersham Nurseries.  Oh...and get people to make their own cup of tea (and one for you) when they come to see you and the baby!! 


    cat sitting on rose British sheepskin rug from binibamba


    How do you stay organised with work & family life?

    "God only knows!!! Honestly? A lot of juggling!!!! And smoke and mirrors!"


    As a Mama of twins... can you share any pearls of wisdom when it comes to sleep?

    "I would say to get them into a routine as early as possible. I’m pretty certain if I had one baby I would not have been into the whole concept of a routine, but with two it simply seemed like a case of sink or swim."

    We were incredibly lucky to have a maternity nurse (we thew the money there as well as at the buggy!!) for two weeks after the twins came home from hospital. So she immediately got them into a sleeping/eating routine. So I used to wake them (one after the other) during the might to feed. I was still massively sleep-deprived, but it was manageable. Just. I cried when she left.


    Sarah clark and twins Tabitha and Marlowe 

    Favourite part of motherhood

    Gosh, so many things… but I think for me it has to be watching them grow up (as sad as it is too), with a natural curiosity of the world. See their personalities developing. Marlow and Tabitha couldn’t be more different, despite their closeness. I remember when they first started to be able to read a book to themselves at bedtime. For me that was so incredibly special. They still love to be read to though, so we still get that pleasure too.



    Sarah & Miu Miu's BINIBAMBA pick..... our ROSE British Sheepskin Rug