Mama & Founder & Creative Director of ByBillie
Billie 6, Scout 12 weeks
Eastern Australia 

Tell us about your family...

Hi from Australia! It's so lovely to be interviewed by the team at BINIBAMBA. I live in a very small beachside town on the east coast of Australia with my husband Leith and our two gorgeous daughters Billie (6) and Scout (12 weeks old). We love to travel, are big foodies and are obsessed with our two dogs, Richie and Dougie. 


You are the Founder & Creative Director of cult kidswear brand, ByBillie. Please can you tell us a bit about what inspired you to start the brand?

When we made the move from a major city to a small town Billie was just a few weeks old. Not only did I need to adjust to the throes of motherhood but I also had to find my footing in a new community and make new friends, adapt to not being with my family 24/7. A few months in I was finally feeling a lot more settled and had the knack of motherhood (just lol) but I felt like I was missing something, almost losing my identity. I have always had a entrepreneurial mind having helped my father open restaurants and after studying business at university so I felt drawn to create something of my own where I could have fun with my creativity. I had no expectations for where the business would go and I still pinch myself that it is a well known international kids brand now. 


Is there anything that has surprised you about running the business so far? 

How it really isn't a 9-5 job. Even if I'm not actively working on collections or packing orders I still find that I never switch off. I gave birth 7 weeks ago and when I was in active labour I was still thinking about the to do list I needed to get done and stressed over how I was going to do it with a newborn!


What tips would you give others about starting a brand in the clothing industry?

I used to say 'find a niche' however there is such an over-saturation of brands in every niche imaginable that makes that advice a little redundant. Now I would say once you have your why, you've identified who you want your customer to be and you have a solid brand identity then just START. It's never going to be perfect from the get go - you will learn from your mistakes and grow.

"Be patient and willing to pivot when you need to!" 


What inspires your designs? 

A lot of our international travels spark collection ideas! Seeing the colours and vibes of the cities we visit get the creative juices flowing! I also get lots of trend ideas from European and Korean fashion as they are seasons ahead of us.




You recently had your second child, Scout. How have you found juggling keeping an eye on the business alongside newborn?

I did! I seriously can't believe I have two kids. To be honest I was really starting to stress about this towards the end of my pregnancy however I had a long hard talk to myself and told myself I needed to truly surrender. It had taken us many years to feel ready to have another child due to postpartum depression with Billie. It was incredibly important to me that my post-pregnancy with Scout was all about my baby and not stressing about work. I made adjustments with certain aspects of By Billie that would take the pressure off me. 




Has your style changed since becoming a mama? What are your go to outfits?

Not really! I have always been a basics girl. I don't wear bright colours or prints, my style is very cohesive and neutral. I live in jeans and a blazer! I wear my clothes to death and actually have a super small wardrobe which makes getting dressed a lot easier as it eliminates decision fatigue. 




Apart from your Binibamba :) what are your must have baby items?

Well I do need to shout out Binibamba's dalmatian snuggler - it's so cosy! 

My Artipoppe carrier is a must! Scout has most of her naps on me during the day and she absolutely loves being attached to me (not to mention it is such a stunning product.

Zip onesies for the half asleep mumma during the night time nappy changes (little brand shout out but we have the cutest styles launching soon).

The CubiAi smart baby monitor. It gives me peace of mind that Scout is sleeping safely in her bassinet - it alerts me on an app if she cries, coughs, if the room is too hot or cold and it plays white noise and lullabies.


What is the best part of being a mama?

 “Seeing their personalities develop as they grow!"

Billie is the most hilarious and witty 6 year old I know and Scout has just started smiling."  

...& the most challenging?

Dividing time between the kids, my husband, social life, work - seriously where do the days go?




Top tired mama tip?

I would say sleep when the baby sleeps but we all know the house isn't going to clean itself (haha). I have just started telling myself this won't last forever and try and surrender to it.


Beauty of baby product you swear by?

A313 Retinol cream which I picked up in Paris. I can't wait to start using this again!


Has anything about motherhood surprised you?


 “How chilled out I am. It's honestly the opposite to how I was postpartum with Billie." 


 Is there anything you wish you had known before becoming a mama?

That breastfeeding can be REALLY taxing. You never really hear people talk about it but my god it's all encompassing!




Are there any traits you would love to inspire in your Binibabes?

Confidence to unapologetically be themselves and not people please! 


And finally please share with us your top BINI picks...

The Snuggler - it's just as the name suggests and the Dalmatian print is such a vibe.



The Milk Baby Bear - every baby needs a forever cuddle toy



The BINI Buggy Tote - it fits everything a mama needs for their baby!


Follow Charlotte on Instagram @charlottebrodie 

Shop her designs @by.billie