Tell us a little bit about your family...
I have a son Jack and daughter Coco and have a third child on the way arriving in a month which we are all super excited for. (*Alex has since given birth to a son in December named Luke)
What was the inspiration behind Alex Eagle Studio?
The concept came from wanting to create a space in London that celebrates British-made craftsmanship, fabric, furniture and fashion. We make our suits in The Studio and the rest of our clothing is all made in England. Our Eagle & Hodges furniture and fabric are also all produced in the UK.
You were a forerunner in the movement away from fashion trends and towards a more timeless style. Can you pinpoint what inspired this in you?
Simply the desire to invest in timeless wardrobe staples that were well made and would last.
Your businesses are diverse and wide reaching! How do you divide your time and make it work?
I don’t! Haha, it is a struggle sometimes but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
What does a day in the life of Alex Eagle look like
I usually wake up around 6am and try and do some Pilates. I then drop the kids at school. My favourite thing to do is to then walk through Hyde Park to my office in Soho or 180 The Strand. I will then have meetings with my design and production team, Sophie Hodges, the 180 Health Club team or the buyers at Store X, no two days are the same!
Like you, BINI loves making anything we can in the Uk! How easy have you found it to make in the UK and do you think there is a future for the fashion industry here?
I definitely think there is, just takes people like ourselves really pushing to create things here and showing that it is possible. The hard thing is sourcing the best British fabrics and materials, and we are always striving to be better and improve our production. But I do feel super optimistic about production in the UK.
How are you anticipating the change from 2-3 children
I am in total denial, have not really thought about it too much yet haha!
What is your favourite part about being a mama?
It's breakfast in bed on the weekends and seeing the world through their eyes.
...and the hardest?
The feeling there is always something you could be doing better.
What is your top tired mama tip?
Try and squeeze in some meditation, it goes a long way.
Beauty product you swear by?
Anything by Skin Design London, they are the best! And the Mutha Body Butter.
Has anything about motherhood surprised you?
How totally unique children are so early on, Jack and Coco are so individual and different it's amazing.
Is there anything you wish you had known before becoming a mama?
Try not to feel guilty all the time.
And finally.. please and you share with us your top Bini picks?
Peekaboo Snuggler, I just love this furry friend. The Milk Binibooties are all you could want for winter, they are warm, cosy & look beautifully chic.
Follow Alex @eagletta on Instagram & Shop www.alexeagle.com/ eagleandhodges.com / alexeaglesportingclub.com or stay at Oakley Court oakleycourt.co.uk