Studio Romeo is the brain child of mama of two, Jeanne Dieuzaide. Founded in 2015, the brand features a collection of baby carriers all made of 100% organic cotton & suitable for everyday use.

Come behind the scenes as we chat with Jeanne about her brand and what inspires her... 





Your brand strapline is ‘Motherhood is our muse’, what are the most important aspects of motherhood, and indeed fatherhood, that you try to capture within the brand?

"Without a doubt motherhood gives us incredible mental, physical and spiritual strength. It is a real source of inspiration and motivation for me. There are of course hard times, fatigue, discouragement, guilty feelings..but i want to highlight the beauty and unconditional love of parenthood - it's magic"



You have two children aged 6 and 8 . How do you juggle motherhood and running your business?

"I'm still learning to juggle! I don't have any special tips except to say that I find I need to be very organised, keep a schedule and maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep my energy up! Since having my second child I have found that my priorities have changed and that I just don't have as much time as I did. To manage this I have also learnt to say no when needed and to take some time for me, including to exercise, to maintain a positive attitude. 



At Bini, we really love to support other female-led businesses. What are the best tips you would give to women out there wanting to start their own business?


"I believe the most important weapon we have is confidence. You're almost there if you believe you can do it..."


"It takes time to find success so be patient and have confidence in yourself and your idea and you will find the way! I also found connecting with other entrepreneurs very helpful as it helped me learn along the way. There is never a good time to start.. so start before you are ready! And be tenacious!!"

We are so excited to have launched our second collaboration with you! What is your favourite feature of the product?

"I really like the practicality and simplicity of the sheepskin liner and the way it fits perfectly inside our baby carrier!"


You have really re-invented a classic with your range of baby carriers, what were the major difficulties you had with the products you found before designing the UP & GO?

"I loved carrying my kids but the traditional baby carriers were very bulky and complicated, with too many straps to adjust. I felt like Robocop, not to mention that the materials were often synthetic and the buckles made of plastic...That helped me come to the design of a new minimalist and simple baby carrier"



Could you tell us a bit more about the REBORN programme and how it works?

"We created Studio Romeo REBORN to extend the life cycle of our baby carriers. We will send old but good condition carriers to our french partner Secours Populaire. In exchange, we send you a voucher that you can use at to buy another treat for yourself or as a gift. Any that are too damaged to donate are recycled to manufacture new raw materials or upcycled."


We love how educational your page with lots of info and how-to’s to ensure babies are carried safely! You are actually also trained in physiological movement. What are the main things to look out for when baby carrying? 

"Thank you! Babywearing often looks easy and serene in photos but it can be intimidating. To use a carrier with confidence you should always check for safe positioning using the TICKS acronym.

T = Tight

I = In view at all times

C = Close enough to kiss

K = Keep chin off chest

S = Supported back

Most importantly, it must be comfortable - The carrier should fit you properly and suit your body type to allow you to carry the baby without strain. This also makes it comfortable for your baby!


What is the best thing to you about motherhood?

"A divine purpose that makes me feel happy, loved and useful!"


What are the baby products you can’t live without?

"A lot of swaddles and of course a good baby carrier!"


What are your hopes for the future of Studio Romeo?

"To continue to promote babywearing around the world!"


Shop the Up & Go Carrier & Binibamba Sheepskin Liner Here